When deciding to outsource your IT services, there are a number of factors to consider.

The need for flexibility and scalability is always a strong driver for many SME’s starting to consider outsourcing their IT services.

If you’re not sure where to begin, start with considering outsourcing one or more of the following IT services:

Managed Hosting can provide a range of benefits from server monitoring, managed storage, database and backups. Off-site managed hosting can see drastic cuts to your in-house IT budget, seriously reducing overhead from having your hosting infrastructure in your office or rented space.

IT Strategy outsourced to an IT business who will manage the planning, cost-benefit analysis, and coordination of action plans is a sound investment. In a constantly changing business environment, having someone who really understands the industry, can achieve significant savings for your business in the long-term, as well as get access to expert advice that’s priceless for your growth.

SaaS (Software as a Service) is where you only pay for the software you use and only while you’re using it. This has the benefit of cutting management and IT infrastructure costs that accrue with a large collection of software across your computers.

Asset Management support for IT assets like servers, computers and workstations, phones, and other office equipment is a great way to outsource many of the costs involved with running a large business.

Data Centre is a great option if you process large amounts of data. You can save money on storage and processing and get increased security with redundant backups, high-level encryption, and other protective measures which often makes this a worthwhile investment even when cost-cutting is minimal.

To find out how outsourcing can save your business time and money, get in touch.